Kundalini Activation
I offer training to become a Kundalini Activation Facilitator.
The training includes a 3-day in-person internship, and 6 months of online courses and remote mentoring.
The next training courses to come:
- December 8, 9, 10, 2023 in Paris
- December 15, 16, 17, 2023 in Paris (almost complete)
- currently being organized: November 2023 in Bali
- to come (unconfirmed): January 2024 and March 2024 in Paris
These face-to-face initiations are followed by support from 6 months online (online courses and monthly meetings).
The next dates for 2024 will be announced soon, they will take place in Bali and Paris.
The prerequisite for training in Kundalini Activation with me: having participated at least in5 sessions (online or in person).
It is important that you have experienced and worked with this energy, seen transformations taking place in your life, before you begin to facilitate others.
To obtain all the information on the training (price, content, etc.), as well as the next dates, please indicate your email in the form below.
You can of course complete this form and obtain the information before having completed the 5 required sessions.
You will then automatically receive an email telling you the terms and conditions.
Please check yourjunk mail or contact me if necessary by email at contact@kundaliniactivation.fr