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frequently asked Questions

I invite you to check if the answer to your question is on this page, and contact us if necessary at, or on the contact form on this site. Thank you for your interest :)

Where do you practice?

I practice all year round in Bali (Canggu), and online via Zoom.

Twice a year (summer and December) I return to France to offer sessions in Paris and La Rochelle.

I don't travel to other cities. However, if I happen to travel to another city, I will send a newsletter to the registered people (see newsletter registration at the bottom ofthe home page), and will post it on my site.
If the sessions for Paris and La Rochelle are not available on my site section "Reservations", this means that registrations are not yet open.

Modify my reservation

It is possible to modify your reservation for another session if this is done more than 24 hours before the session (after this period, the session is non-modifiable and non-refundable).

Simply log in to my site with the email you used when booking, or your Paypal email. 

Then go to “My profile” >  “My reservations” > ”Reschedule my session”

You can choose the one you want if it is not complete.

If you cannot access your space, you can click on “forgotten password”, or try with another email address that you could have used.


Sessions are refundable up to 24 hours before the session. After this period, sessions cannot be modified or refunded. To obtain a refund, please contact us at specifying the subject of your request, and the day and time of your reservation.

Private session

I do not offer private sessions, my sessions are held in groups exclusively.

Time zone

The times displayed on this site correspond to the time zone in which your computer or phone is located. You can set the zone by clicking on “time zone” in the reservation calendar.

Do the session for 2 (online)

To do a session for two, you must make a reservation per person, and have one screen per person, so that I can see you clearly.

You can absolutely be in the same room, preferably with either a speaker or each with their own wireless headphones.

How to find the details of my reservation and/or the zoom link

Simply log in to my site with the email you used when booking, or your Paypal email. 

Then go to “My profile” >  “My reservations” 

You will find your reservation information, addresses for in-person sessions, and zoom links for online sessions.

If you cannot access your space, you can click on “forgotten password”, or try with another email address that you could have used. 


It is contraindicated to participate in a session in the following cases:

- pregnant woman

- epilepsy

- cases of psychiatric illnesses

For the rest, the sessions are open to everyone, from 18 years old. People suffering from depression and taking antidepressants are welcome in the session.

Benefits of the sessions

Kundalini Activation sessions allow you to experience energetic, emotional, mental and physical releases, in order to live a fulfilling, liberated and aligned life. They also allow you to regain self-confidence and calm down. 

You can read more about the many benefits at this link:

How long to wait between 2 sessions?

There is no minimum time to wait between two sessions (during retreats for example, we do 2 sessions per day). The important thing is to follow your rhythm, to listen to your intuition, to know when the right time is for you to participate in a Kundalini Activation session again.

How many sessions should you do?

There is no specific number of sessions that you have to do. Each person has a different pace, and integrates the sessions differently. The important thing is to listen to your intuition, your body, and your energy, to know how many sessions to practice.

The more we work with energy, the more wonderful results we have in our lives.

One session can already bring benefits, but the people who see the most changes are people who have come to several sessions and work with the energy regularly.


Sessions are accessible from 18 years old.

How to train in Kundalini activation?

I offer Facilitator training in Kundalini Activation, in Paris.

To get more information,follow this link.

Is it dangerous?

During a Kundalini Activation session, there is no energetic forcing. It is a gentle process, which can certainly be intense at times, but which is respectful of each person's system. Your energy is like your body, it is intelligent, and during the experience it will go no further than where you are willing to go.

Kundalini Activation sessions, in person and remotely, are secure.

There are no contraindications to participating in a remote session, alone at home, as the process is safe.

Waiting list

I do not have a waiting list, however I announce withdrawals in my WhatsApp group. You can contact me by email or on Instagram to join the whatsapp group.

Is it possible to fall asleep during the session?

Yes, it is possible to fall asleep during the session although it is unlikely because the music is quite rhythmic.

I recommend staying awake for the entire duration of the session in order to get the best benefits.

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